A little background info....

I have been dealing with medical issues regarding my reproduction capability for the last three and a half years after a very bad miscarriage situation. As I was working through a difficult period one day I realized that more and more people and characters around me seem to be dealing with similar circumstances. TV shows, movies, neighbors and friends are struggling because they cannot or may not have children. This is a place to express my feelings about my situation and hopefully help someone else express theirs.

I may not know what other mothers know, but I am a mother without my child and I do what I can to cope.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quick update on my status

Just got a call from the good Doc and seems things are going fairly well.  I went in yesterday for FOUR hours of tests to see if this thing worked over the weekend and it turns out that 55% of my muscles were moving and the other 45% were not.  I got a HUGE and painful steroid shot directly in my uterus to see if that would help and was ordered to go home and rest.  A nice idea but I had 'rested' all weekend and had work to do.
Today I went and had more biopsies and sonograms and tests and he just called me to say that 70% of my muscles were moving.  We decided to give it a week to see what happens and then make a decision on Monday what to do if the moving muscles are not contagious.  -Personally I'm hoping for a dance party in there cause not only will I heal faster but I will lose a substantial part of my belly.  That's right, I'm not just fat, I'm fat and sick.  A large portion of my belly that protrudes, and does make me look sorta pregnant, will be gone soon.  WOO! 

So we'll just wait and see, story of my damn life.

In another update note, I also got x rays of my spine and specifically of my lumbar yesterday so maybe I'll have an answer to this leg pain/possible nerve damage issue.

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