A little background info....

I have been dealing with medical issues regarding my reproduction capability for the last three and a half years after a very bad miscarriage situation. As I was working through a difficult period one day I realized that more and more people and characters around me seem to be dealing with similar circumstances. TV shows, movies, neighbors and friends are struggling because they cannot or may not have children. This is a place to express my feelings about my situation and hopefully help someone else express theirs.

I may not know what other mothers know, but I am a mother without my child and I do what I can to cope.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday-Empty

I am taking Gypsy Mama's idea and writing for 5 min fri.  You write for just five minutes on the topic and don't censor or correct yourself.  After five minutes post what you have.  =)

Sometimes I feel like my guest room is empty.  Its not my baby's room.  Sometimes I feel like my life is empty when I catch that ghost child out of the corner of my eye or when I hear other ladies talk about how wonderful it feels to be a mother and spend time with their child.  The photos and the stories make me ache just a little even through all of the happiness I feel for them.  I hope no one is ever where I am, it just hurts sometimes to be reminded that I am not where they are.  That can make things seem pretty empty some days.  These days bring bad thoughts and lies whispered in my ear I JUST KNOW aren't true.  It makes me feel haunted, followed by my mistakes and what possible things I could have done differently.  What I could have done to save my child.  That's where it gets bad.  I start to rationalize all of those things in my head that aren't true and give them a place to cling to.  A doubt to sneak in on.  Those days are the hardest.  I wonder around feeling full of guilt and anxious to push it out.  Those days I fight the hardest to get past the bad thoughts and into the good.  Those days I find anything that I can to distract myself and fill myself with good things that push the awful out.  On days like that I am thankful for Game Night and good friends that bring cheesecake and hug me when they know I need it.  I am thankful for a husband that lets me come home and crawl into bed while he silently takes care of everything we need without asking.  I am very lucky for the people in my life every day, but on those days I wonder if/how I would get through without them.


  1. Wow, the title of your blog totally caught my attention. I can relate to several things that you said. One being that once the bad thoughts creep in you try not to let them take hold. One key word that stuck out to me is "lies." You know that they are lies and sometimes, often times, we must choose to listen and believe the voice of truth. I have learned in the last few years to pray, "God, please direct my thinking." He does. Even if I have to say it over and over again. I find comfort in calling out to a God of my understanding and asking Him for help. It sounds like you have some wonderful friends to speak truth when you need it. I look forward to reading more and following your journey. Blessings! Joy

    1. I would love to have you follow with me, I'm happy to hear you can relate and have a good outlet for those thoughts. Keep calling out to God if he helps you take those thoughts away, and tell yourself those lies can't stay because they are lies. I find if I label them correctly its a little easier to push them out. That voice that you know is wrong can be really strong. =)

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! The "friends that make you have that good drowsy feeling" made me smile. I wish I could hug you...I'm 46 years old...never married and will never conceive at this point due to age. I "ache" for that love of a godly man as you ache for that child. May Christ fill that void in your life. And keep enjoying those friends and cheesecake. :-) And hug your husband who I suspect adores you so much.

    1. You are very welcome RosieBoo, good friends do give you that feeling I'm glad you liked it. So sorry to hear you cannot find what you truly ache for, I was lucky to find my husband so young. I am 26 and we have been together for 8 years now, he is a good man and puts up with a lot. Other good men are out there, I'll send lots of good thoughts to you and hope you find someone worthy. I would hug you too if I could. Thanks again for all your warm thoughts. =)

  3. After you visited my blog, I just had to visit yours. I ache for you that you are having such difficult conceiving that much wanted child! As a young girl, I watched as my mother went through multiple miscarriages, but one day (as you'll see in a future post on my blog) along came that baby boy mom and dad had wanted so much. I wasn't as excited as they were but I do remember their waiting not so patiently for that child to come to them from God. I pray that you will know that joy and sooner than later. I'll be following along with your journey. :)

    1. Thank you very much Sherrey for those very sweet words. That hurts to know your parents went through that pain but I love that eventually they got what they were looking for. That emotional and physical pain is hard to deal with. I'm happy you want to follow me through this, welcome. =)

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    This is a poignant reminder of a time when I struggled with the same issues. Complications after an ectopic pregnancy left me "unable to conceive" and I remember how totally devastated I was by that declaration. God works it all out one way or another--I have two children now, but the waiting and the walking through is so very hard. My heart aches for you as you take that journey. I will be praying for you.

    1. Thank you for those wonderful words, I appreciate it. I'm happy to hear things worked well for you.

  5. I read your words ... empty, hurt, doubt, guilt and my heart cries for you. I don't know your whole situation, but I do pray that you will find peace as you work through this difficult situation.
